Sanction list screening

oleh Orgavision

This app enables you to screen your contacts and masterdata against different sanction-lists.

The app enables you to screen your contacts, vendors, customers, and differing delivery addresses against different sanction-lists while creating or changing automatically.

Furthermore, the app can be integrated in different process steps.

Every company is required by law to screen its data against sanction-lists and store the results. It is based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1390 of 16.01.2002.

This Resolution defines measures to combat terrorism and is aimed at persons, companies and organizations established by the Committee of Sanctions, on a public list of names.

This app combines the integration with the search engine in the background.

Available features

    • Fully integrated with Business Central
    • Automatic updates of all sanctuaries by an official source
    • Time-controlled master data reconciliation for checking existing business contacts
    • Simple manual (online) individual check
    • Automatic check with every list update
    • E-mail-controlled notification of the defined circle of people in case of possible hits
    • Checking the address when creating the address
    • Complete and immutable documentation
    • History per tested contact (including all test parameters)

Supported editions

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries


Supported Languages

This app is available in English (United States) and German (Germany).
